Assignment 3: Finalising & Purchasing First Outfits

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Organising shoots - noone free

Assignment 3: Initial Ideas, Planning & Moodboards

Mind Map

Locations - rose garden, archery, local park, arts lodge, guildhall steps, middlesbrough library, aquarium, south sea beach
Models - friends, local modelling agency, bloggers (leigh)
Outfits - sources - ebay, charity shop, research ex-theatre outfits
(See docs list)

Moodboards for Alice, Belle, Snow, Elsa, Merida

Overall concept: casual disney characters, slightly more bohemian look (dreadlocks, flower crowns, lace outfits etc). "dark" but a bit feminine - eery.

Assignment 3: Pop Culture Inspiration

Once Upon a Time - TV Show

Historically Accurate Disney Princesses - Buzzfeed

Assignment 3: Initial Research

For assignment three we have been asked to initiate our own themes/photography genres/styles and produce 30 final images in accordance with those choices.

As stipulated from very early on in my blog, I have a keen interest in fairytale themed photography and would like to explore this further in assignment three.

Annie Leibovitz - Celebrity Disney Characters